Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soaring: in memory of Shelly

When a precious one leaves
for no apparent reason
and life is dropped like trousers
my spirit knows I am still
embraced by my beloved one
there is no betrayal here
for leaping in and out of time
is second nature
I feel my breath more dear
missing hers
I touch my skin and
reverently live my dreams
passion keeps me here
and my hand touches hers
in a mind cathedral of light
she brightens my perception
and memories gladden my heart
as she tries out her new ethereal body
I nourish mine with wholesome food
in her honor
and laugh
(she would want me to be playfully alive)
I am etched forever in her heart and she in mine
I am her breath now
I am turbo charged with love

1 comment:

  1. beautiful, Janice. I miss you. You sound so alive.

    Guess what? I am in massage therapy school.!!!! Night school and some weekends. Done in February.
