Tuesday, January 21, 2014


My only cousin.
Born the same year
You evolved into
We met woman to woman

Never having met you as a child

I linger in the wonder of our new england early years, full of lakes, beaches  and wikdflowers.

I can feel the magic of discovery
Lasting a lifetime
Your wildflower book with us now
Remembering your first introduction to each shy forest-hidden flower, telling me its name.
Grown, we were sharing what we both loved.

I am reliving my childhood with you by my side
A fishing buddy
Catching perch in the rowboat
The lake so still our oars made the only sound
Creaking oarlocks
The smooth pull onto the beach
Proud of our string
Scaling and trimming out fins
Seeing what they ate for breakfast in their guts
Feeling starved ourselves
Eager for grandma to roll them in cornmeal and frying our catch for breakfast

And then swimming and pirating at pitchwood island in the summer
Your week my favorite
Playing indians with our handmade bows and arrows
Finding my first lady slipper
So excited we had to go get mom and show her the delicate bloom we knew not to touch

The gift of our heritage
So great
Your dad my mother's best friend,  brother
And camping buddy
Passing on peace.
Long before we were thought of
this web of life spun us into its fabric

We hiked the Smokies and refashioned the past
Becoming playmates

As you journey into your dream world.
May the ocean waves wash up on the sand under your feet
May you run with the waterbirds along  sand and foamy bubbles
Breathing in salt air
May you hold the hands of the dear ones gone before
And remember to visit us
Those who love you
Always ready to play