Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who am I now?

Who am I when I'm
All alone
When my sister is away
My children gone
My husband about his chores
And the holiday bustle
Vanishes into silence
Like a passenger train
Pulling out of the station
Loud with fanfare
"All aboard!"
Then rushing away into
The countryside
Since Mom died I am
No longer a daughter
This stillness so rare
I will wonder here
A bit longer

The 4 directions

I call in the spirit of the east
The place of beginnings
Where dawn nurtures a new day
I give thanks to all the beings who support birth and new creations and welcome them to our circle with archangel michael
I call in the spirit of the south
The highest zenith of the suns arc and all the benevolent beings who support flourishing and abundance
I call in the spirit of the west
And all the supportive benevolent beings who urge us to allow
the dying of the old so the new may be born. I call in archangel raphael
I call in the spirit of the north
The helpful ancestors who support us in our earth journey
Who give us courage to seek wisdom even in dark places,  illuminating them
I call in the star beings and all who are above seeking to help us on our path
I call in the spirit of the earth. The elementals earth, air, fire and water, the flowing streams and oceans, I pray for your balancing and healing. I ask for the healing power of the plant and animal kingdom to be with us supporting us
Today may our journeys honor all the benevolent beings of light who travel here and protect us now.

Upon seeing my self

Identifying with all the ladies of great years...I am within each one. This dedicated to my 92 year old aunt

When skin
Folds over
Like feathers
Relaxed and soft
After a shower
I glisten
And glowing
Printed with years of


Into the breathing pounding world
Of drum and rattle
I sit on the majestic rack of my
Moose and am tossed lightly onto his back
To journey
Why are we not visiting the upper realms I ask. What is holding us back?
There is a brush and a murmur and warm breath from his muzzle
Soon enough we will go.
And what is your name I ask.
It means dark and bright all at once. It is soft and comforting. It is deep breath courage and casual nonchalance. It is cadence and aimless wandering. My name is all this.