Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who am I now?

Who am I when I'm
All alone
When my sister is away
My children gone
My husband about his chores
And the holiday bustle
Vanishes into silence
Like a passenger train
Pulling out of the station
Loud with fanfare
"All aboard!"
Then rushing away into
The countryside
Since Mom died I am
No longer a daughter
This stillness so rare
I will wonder here
A bit longer

The 4 directions

I call in the spirit of the east
The place of beginnings
Where dawn nurtures a new day
I give thanks to all the beings who support birth and new creations and welcome them to our circle with archangel michael
I call in the spirit of the south
The highest zenith of the suns arc and all the benevolent beings who support flourishing and abundance
I call in the spirit of the west
And all the supportive benevolent beings who urge us to allow
the dying of the old so the new may be born. I call in archangel raphael
I call in the spirit of the north
The helpful ancestors who support us in our earth journey
Who give us courage to seek wisdom even in dark places,  illuminating them
I call in the star beings and all who are above seeking to help us on our path
I call in the spirit of the earth. The elementals earth, air, fire and water, the flowing streams and oceans, I pray for your balancing and healing. I ask for the healing power of the plant and animal kingdom to be with us supporting us
Today may our journeys honor all the benevolent beings of light who travel here and protect us now.

Upon seeing my self

Identifying with all the ladies of great years...I am within each one. This dedicated to my 92 year old aunt

When skin
Folds over
Like feathers
Relaxed and soft
After a shower
I glisten
And glowing
Printed with years of


Into the breathing pounding world
Of drum and rattle
I sit on the majestic rack of my
Moose and am tossed lightly onto his back
To journey
Why are we not visiting the upper realms I ask. What is holding us back?
There is a brush and a murmur and warm breath from his muzzle
Soon enough we will go.
And what is your name I ask.
It means dark and bright all at once. It is soft and comforting. It is deep breath courage and casual nonchalance. It is cadence and aimless wandering. My name is all this.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Knowing Ocean
A poet so grand
I walk beside him
And feel the
Words groomed and
Tumbling through time and space
About to be arranged
As nonchalantly as a  butterfly
Or a waterfall
Perfectly cascading


When you play so hard
And your child's world
Mesmerizes you
You blow bubbles in your sleep
And catch fireflies
Having the best of
When your child becomes
Your best friend
And picnic buddy
Even knowing better than you
How to set up the tent
And keep a fire going
Finding the perfect stick to roast the
Marshmalows, squishing chocolate between graham crackers in sticky celebrations
you wait for your pal
To return from
Growing up

Monday, June 3, 2013


I am the one
Not giving you freedom now
I want to stand you up tall
Looking ahead at your life
Seeing patterns
So you know what to expect
I want you to love yourself so much
That you never let someone else's love
Sculpt you into someone you are not
I want you to hold true and dear
Values of loyalty and kindness
Respecting all living beings
Walking away from lies
Passionate about the whole truth
That shines within you as
Your inner light
I want you to know
I will always love you
And cherish you
And freedom?
I stand in awe of your power to create
I have no need to approve or disapprove
Give me the respect of my own life creation as you create yours.
Where I have failed
Give me the room to succeed and transcend tbat failure
And may I have the grace to let you choose your path
Knowing you are loved every day of your life
The same as the miraculous child who loved and trusted me once long ago looking up into my eyes with joy

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I hope
Where you live
The night air drips
With the scent of
So sweet it
Pulls through your nostrils
And fills your chest
And you feel like
An invisible garden
Surrounds you
Exhaling as you inhale.
And the fireclies
Intoxicated with such
Delicate smells

Nightscape at creekwalk inn bed and breakfast by janice haynes

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sweet corn reverie

Low shooting stars
Streaking above my campfire
Escaping sparks feign to
Be the magical bug but  move aloft and fade
While brightness
Leaps sbove the smoke
On and off and on again

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fireflies in the great smoky mountains

The firefly season
Is here
With night time
Serenades of light
Winging from lush meadow grass
To highest treetop
Staccato measures
Syncapated beat
Too bright for sound

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


No excuse
With warm caress of evening
And golden rays coasting
Over mountain
Reaching cooling meadows
Singing birds frantic with melodies
And repeating notes
a saw
Then a lawn mower
Replying in this stretch of a longer day
No excuse for sitting
With any troubling thought
Choose a simple task
Do it
Night will fall

Horses grazing

When my heart of hearts
Dreamed there was a
Horse at my window
I looked out
And they were there

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Big creek trail great smoky mountains

Mouse ears falls a favorite hike from creekwalk inn bed and breakfast in cosby just 20 minutes from the trail head.  We saw our first trrilliums in full bloom.  Majestic midnight hole glorious in the early spring. 
Hiking with my best friend wilma jenkins who sold her ranch in arizona and is writing a history of the double circle ranch.